Monday, December 14, 2009

A Mis(s)fit

In this world, everyone is going through an identity crisis of some kind or the other.In my town the crisis is that one is easily and always identifiable.The likes of CIA and Mossad would blush at their incompetence if they knew that every citizen of this town carries a detailed dossier of everyone else in their head.If you were to have a temporary lapse of memory and dont remember my name or address , just say single and school, you will find yourself at my doorstep!!
When i started my school, i was always questioned about my personal life.I was offended, indignant and would curtly steer the conversation away to the child seeking admission.Soon i realized that these people were not being rude just provincial.I became more tolerant and forthcoming .The first time i defined my marital status the lady blushed a beetroot red, was thoroughly embarrased and uncomfortable.I felt sorry for her.One parent in a similar state of hyperventilation managed a feeble sorry. Told her, she neednt be as i was definately not!!
Soon it was rumoured that i was a NRI.I was working, spoke english, was divorced, even wore western outfits..I could only have been residing in an alien country!In the past few years , no direct personal queries are made,its not that the residents have been given a crash course in social etiquette, but most likely by now all the inhabitants are aware of my marital status and probably many other details which i myself may not be aware of!
Now , that i am a very respectable and accepted member of the society , i am invited for every possible event in this town.From births, weddings, deaths, inaugurations, exhibitions, school sports days, annual day, debates ...the list is endless. Inviting me is inviting confusion for listed below are the ways the invites are addressed to me..
Mrs.Shubhra S
Mrs.Shubhra G
Mrs Shubhra
Mrs.Shubhra S G
Mrs Shubhra G S
Mrs Shubhra ji
Mrs Madam Director (huh!!)
I often wonder when the town is going to accept me as a Miss..Perhaps never,so i guess i will just give it a miss..:-)


  1. Shubhra, i love this story, too.... you are wonderful simply because you are you! much love :)

  2. It is amazing how marital status matters only for a it Gaya or anyplace else..I wonder when(if) we women will be viewed for we are as persons....irrespective of Miss/Mrs/Ms

  3. can understand perfectly since i am from smaller town but once you accept them as they are you will get much more love than you can ever get from the big town people who accept you as Miss! so just let them call you whatever and just learn to enjoy what they can give, cutting out what they cannot. love your way of expressing tho. love

  4. That was an invaluable tip -- to ask for 'single' and 'school' when we finally land up there :)
    ROFL, ROFL... thank you for giving this, Madam Director!
    S, believe me, my case is worse! At least you don't have to exchange your gender identity which I have to endure all the time and everywhere in North India, in spite of spelling it very correctly! :( Think male names are not understood in this region unless it is a Devinder or a Mukesh!

  5. Shubh, your style of expression is amazing and uniquely you.

    Well glad to know that whatever name they may call you by, Mrs or Miss, Ji or Madam Director, ultimately what matters is that you have become a "very respectable and accepted member of the society". Knowing you, I can only deduce that you either charmed them or bullied them into accepting you as a pillar of society.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Shubh it your warm and magnetic personality that attracts everyone to you!!...I am not at all surprised to know that you are now a well respected personality of the town. You get what you give...I believe that. Being a small town bahu myself I completely agree with Nita about the genuine love of people of small town.It's without any frills and fancy. love lots

  8. I absolutely LOVED this post. I want to call it Bold and Beautiful!

  9. Shubhra, you write well. I have read all your posts today. You are yourself very well and add humour as well. I look forward to reading them as you continue to write. Love Anjali
