Tuesday, October 27, 2009

oppressive education..

My first blog , deeply felt often disturbing observations of the approach towards education in small towns.
Should education be an instrument of oppression for children and parents alike or an act of liberation?
I run a small playschool in a provincial town in the state of Bihar.I am often accused by parents of overindulging a child as they want to come to school on weekends and even when they are sick.When did unhappy stressed out children become synonymous with 'GOOD EDUCATION'...I wonder..


  1. shubhra this problem is with all parents mostly indians.. with competition so tough and so many people chasing few educational avenues it is some how understandable but not excusable. i feel this issue shall remain unresolved unless some new form of evaluation system is discovered or india can provide education on demand to its students...

  2. The Indian educations system stinks. You are one of the few who are really concerned about the unhappy stressed out children. I'm glad some one like you cares for these children but who most people including the so called intelligentsia do not care about the after effects of making children unhappy & stressed out. It is such children who become aggressive and drift in life without values or ethics. In today's world the so called half baked educated children are a bigger impediment to holistic social development than illiteracy and illiterates.
